
Treatments For Benzodiazepine Addiction

When you are taking benzodiazepines for more than three months, you are susceptible to withdrawal symptoms, and possible dependence when you go beyond your prescription.

As time passes and you get so much dependent on the drug, you develop an addiction that is very difficult to overcome. With that, you will inevitably need the expertise of a medical doctor or addiction specialist to help you undergo a rigid rehab treatment program.

Does the treatment work? In this read, we are sharing with you some important insights and facts about treating benzodiazepine addiction. Alongside this, we aim to break the wall of ignorance and fear clouding the important role of rehab treatment for your sobriety and wellness.

Continue reading to learn more about it.

Who Abuses Benzodiazepines?

Typically, we have two main groups who abuse this prescription drug: those who have the prescription and those who don’t have it. Patients who also suffered from opioid addiction are also found to use benzodiazepines, where 30% of opioid addicts are found guilty of abusing this substance as well.

Notable Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

Despite following your prescription bottle, you will still feel the mild side effects of using this drug. It is mainly used for treating insomnia and anxiety disorders. Nevertheless, here are some of the evident symptoms when a person is abusing this drug.

  • Benzodiazepine AddictionFeeling drowsy always
  • Confusion or hallucinations
  • Muscle tends to weaken
  • Verbal communication is not clear
  • Inability to have smooth body coordination
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting

Early Intervention to Persuade Your Loved One to Go Into Treatment

If you or your loved one is abusing this substance, there is a strong urge in the subconscious mind that you need to take this drug at a higher dose. However, when you have spotted the addiction at an early stage, then it can still be easily treated.

With that, you or your loved one must undergo an intervention which can be done by a licensed addiction specialist, counselor, or all of your family members. An intervention is needed because it will persuade you or the patient from going into rehab treatment.

Here is a general format of how an intervention is done:

  • The family, friends, and workmates of the addict must come to a meeting to talk about it.
  • All the people attending the meeting or intervention must deliver a personal speech regarding their observations of the addict’s physical and behavioral changes. Also, they will emphasize in the last part of their speech the need to go into rehab.
  • Once everyone delivers their speeches and the addict is convinced to enroll in treatment, then the intervention ends.

Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab Treatment Program

Benzodiazepine Addiction TreatmentWhen you or your loved one is suffering from severe benzodiazepine addiction, then going for an inpatient rehab program is highly recommended. Under this program, you will receive 24/7 medical supervision and treatment by a well-trained nurse and doctor.

There is stringent monitoring of your withdrawal symptoms and vital signs in case you get into a shock or relapse during the treatment process. In terms of the atmosphere, all rehab centers have taken a homey ambiance where all people in the establishments understand your situation without any judgment.

In contrast, an outpatient rehab program is suitable when you just have a mild addiction to the substance. Through this program, you get to stay in your usual home and mingle with your family, friends, schoolmates, or colleagues. You will be given a prescription bottle for the medications you’ll be taking and a regular session with your designated counselor.

For inpatient treatment, you will also have regular communication and visitation with your family and friends. Likewise, you will be enrolled in a support group where all of the members are sharing the same condition with you but on a varying level.

There will be a sharing of experiences and insights on how they successfully gained independence from benzodiazepine addiction.

Detoxification Is the First Step for Treatment

A medically assisted detox process is most suitable for you because it eases the pain from withdrawal symptoms and someone can always look after you 24/7. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms from stopping benzodiazepine usage include the following:

  • Faster heartbeat
  • Slight seizures
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Confusion
  • Minor panic attacks
  • Nausea

When you have licensed medical personnel beside you during your detox, it becomes safer and more convenient because you know someone trained is there to assist you anytime.

Medications for Benzodiazepine Addiction

In treating your addiction, it will consist of medication and behavioral therapies. The former will cure the physical damage done by benzodiazepine abuse, yet it must be prescribed to avoid an overdose.

Here are some of the standard medicines used for treading benzodiazepine abuse:

This medicine is used to treat seizures and panic attacks, which is one of the withdrawal symptoms from abusing benzos.

It will be used to treat elevated blood pressure caused by abusing benzos. It is available in various dosages: 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, and 0.3 mg.

Dizziness and anxiety are one of the main side effects of abusing benzodiazepines. These side effects can be treated using Buspirone because of its antipsychotic properties.

For treating benzodiazepine addiction, use 0.2 mg IV for 15 to 30 seconds. This medicine aims to relax your brain due to the negative impacts of addiction. If there is no alleviation for the first administration, then inject another 0.3 mg IV for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Behavioral Therapies for Benzodiazepine Addiction

When you are addicted to these substances, it isn’t just your body that requires treatment but also your behavior. By correcting your negative habit, we are reducing your risk of getting into relapse, while promoting long-term sobriety.

Here are some of the evidence-based behavioral treatments we can apply for benzo abuse.

  • Benzodiazepine AddictionCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Multidimensional Family Therapy
  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
  • Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)

You need to work with any of these therapies with a trained counselor or psychologist. Also, most rehab treatment plans incorporate these therapies to achieve a holistic healing program.

Avail Professional Assistance As Early As Today

You are never alone in the fight of overcoming benzodiazepine addiction. You can always reach out to professionals, rehab centers, or to an addiction specialist to get a custom-fit advice and recovery program.

Achieve long-term sobriety by availing of medically-assisted rehab treatment programs.

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