Alcoholism Treatment

How Expensive Is Alcoholism Treatment?

Alcohol is still one of the most harmful addictive substances in the world. To make it worse, it is legal, making it widely accessible for consumption and quite popular among individuals. Alcohol misuse and abuse increase the likelihood of getting into risky situations such as accidents and sexual assault. Alcohol addiction also causes health conditions such as heart problems and liver cirrhosis.

Regardless, anyone suffering from alcohol abuse requires addiction treatment to recover and gain long-term sobriety. Thus, there are different kinds of programs for alcoholism treatment, each with separate costs. The charges for alcoholism treatment will differ based on amenities, location, facility, and state, so it can be harder to determine the exact cost. However, these treatment programs may range from $0 to $100,000 for luxury facilities. Most of the time, the amount paid for alcoholism treatment depends on what your insurance provider is willing to cover or the amount you can pay yourself.

Costs For Different Types of Addiction Treatment

The overall costs for addiction recovery are influenced by the type of care services provided by a rehabilitation facility. There are also different methods of treatment for various types of alcohol use conditions. Here are some estimates for alcohol addiction treatment.


The cost of outpatient detox typically goes from $1000 to $1500 overall. If you are paying for the detox treatment yourself without insurance coverage, you may also expect to pay roughly $500 to $650 daily, with the treatment lasting for a few days. For inpatient alcohol recovery treatment, the detox part is included in the fees for the entire program. The exact rate for detox care will vary depending on the severity of the patient’s alcohol use and whether it is included in the inpatient program.

Inpatient Treatment

Alcoho Addiction Treatment CostThis type of rehabilitation is ideal for individuals who cannot fight the urge to take alcohol when they are in recovery. Inpatient programs require individuals to stay at the facility during the addiction treatment period, given that there is no alcohol at the facility. Such programs usually have qualified staff available to provide assistance and care 24/7. For such kind of care, inpatient rehab costs tend to be much higher than that of outpatient recovery treatment. The reason is that inpatient treatment charges cover housing, food, therapy, and medication.

Some inpatient recovery facilities will charge approximately $6000 for a 30-day treatment period. Other facilities will go up to $20,000 for the same duration of treatment. Individuals requiring a more extended treatment period of 60 days or 90 days might pay anything ranging between $12,000 to $60,000. Daily rates may range from $500 to $650 for all the services mentioned, and the programs typically last for several weeks.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

The people who go for this addiction treatment spend a significant amount of time in the treatment facility daily, but they are still staying in their homes. During their time in the treatment center, they are provided with comprehensive and extensive therapies that can help them recover from even the most severe type of alcohol addiction. Some of these partial hospitalization programs also help patients with any medical problems caused by alcohol addiction, including wasting muscles and nutritional deficiency.

Since the individuals in PHP programs are still living at home, the charges for care and treatment are lower than inpatient treatment. The rates usually go for about $350 to $450 daily, with the program going for weeks.

Outpatient Treatment

Alcoholism Treatment CostThis type of treatment is ideal for individuals who want to deal with an alcohol use disorder as they continue handling their daily duties and living at home. Individuals in this program may go for therapy for a specified number of hours weekly, but they will not be monitored physically. Outpatient treatment also does not require additional rates for room and board. Such a program might be more affordable to some individuals as the costs range from about $250- $350 daily.

These programs cost less than inpatient programs, especially for individuals suffering from mild to moderate alcohol use disorders. The cost for a program going for three months is usually around $5000, but other facilities can charge up to $10,000. The rate varies depending on how long and how frequently a patient goes for treatment.

However, outpatient care has fewer restrictions than other types of addiction treatment care. It doesn’t have measures to protect the affected individual against the risk of relapse the way other treatments do. Thus, some families will use outpatient care as the last stage of recovery treatment. Therefore, when affected individuals complete a PHP or inpatient program, they can go for outpatient treatment. This is a great way to minimize costs while maintaining a high success rate.

Sober Living

Sober LifeIn some cases, individuals who go for outpatient alcoholism treatment may not feel ready to return to their everyday lives or live in their old communities. So they might not require inpatient support, but they will still need some extra assistance to enhance their sobriety management skills. This is where sober living homes come in.

Sober living facilities usually house individuals who are recovering from drug or alcohol abuse/addiction. According to the regulations for the facility, it is meant to stay sober and clean. The people in the facility typically work together to support each other. Sober living homes have proven to be very helpful and appealing to people looking to maintain their sobriety. The costs for these sober living homes may differ, but the prices are about $1500 to $2500 monthly on average. Failing to make payment may lead you to be expelled from the facility.

Various elements can affect the overall charges for alcohol addiction recovery, such as services, amenities, the level of care required, and whether the treatment will be outpatient or inpatient-based.

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